Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Share and Voice: Can a Happy Meal Grow Old?

Over the past couple weeks in class we have been talking a lot of meat production, fast food industries, and overall food production in our Country.  The other day  I was on CNN news website and came across something very fitting.  Every one all over the world is familiar the one of the biggest fast food chains ever, McDonald's.   According to the McDonald's website they have been cooking up food and smiles since 1955.  They strive to offer many different things nutritious food, or their new sustainability plans.  However most of know that their food is not the most healthy. Its not surprising that it is sodium packed and full of preservatives.  But just how much preservatives is a good question and many are starting wonder the same thing.  A New York photographer thought he would do a little experiment.  He set out a happy meal and simply took a picture of it.  He wanted to see what happened to it as it aged.  He left it out for six months and wanted to take another picture of it.  To his surprise, the happy meal had not aged at all, there was no mold or signs of decomposition.  It really makes you wonder ?


  1. Wow, that is absolutely disgusting. It is definitely not normal for food not to mold or decompose. In the video the scientist was saying that hamburger buns do not usually mold because they are made so dry. I find that very hard to believe. I have bought hamburger buns before and they mold just as fast as bread. Does this mean McDonald's buys dry buns so they last longer? I totally believe this is true because like the woman who did this study said, "Why would I lie, I am not getting paid for this."

  2. Sam, I saw this same article on yahoo about a week ago and was absolutely shocked that nothing different had happened to the food. I have no clue why McDonald's food does this but it definitely make you stop and think on what the heck is included in their foods??? Nice post.
