Weeks 13-14
I cannot believe that we are already nearing the end of the semester. This semester seemed to fly by, not that it was not busy. Over the last two weeks of class we have learned a lot of new information once again. One of the biggest things that I learned was how to write a letter to a representative. I never really knew how much work went into it. I think that this will be a great skill for us to take with us when we start to apply for jobs, and when we get hired. I also think that it was a great activity because now everyone is more involved with current events in our country, even if it is just on specific issue. I know that personally for me that I will continue to advocate, even if it is just on a small scale. In addition to learning how to advocate, I also learned a lot of new things from the fact sheets and the learning activities. At first I was really intimidated by the learning activity, but after I completed it I thought that it is really great that we used our health education skills and applied them by creating learning activities. This is something that many of us will have to do in the future so it is definitely good practice. I also found out information that I feel will be beneficial to me such as:
- The effects of the oil spill
- Ways to encourage kids not to smoke
- Food safety for college students
- Ways to recycle
- And links to smoking videos
I also learned a lot of valuable information by creating my own learning activity. I had no idea that dust can be one of the main causes of asthma, and that it effects so many people lives on our country. Overall I think that everyone did a great job on their learning activities and I was really proud of them.
My favorite activity that happened over the last few weeks was taking our field trip to Goodwill. I cannot believe all of the great stuff that they have going on there. It is really amazing all that they do for the community, and the environment. There mission states" It makes me want to shop there more and more just so I can support what they do. Some of the my favorite things that I saw there was:
- the recycling of mattresses, down to the springs
- how they sorted everything
- and the great opportunities that they offer their employees who may not ever get those opportunities
This was really fun and I am glad that some of my classmates found some cool items for their junking projects there as well. I personally thought that the junking project was a great success too. I could not believe how great some of them turned out. Some of my personal favorites were Sonny and Dane. They really did a great job. I want to try to make some glasses like Dane did, I think that they would be a great gift. The junking project has really taught me that I do not need to go out and buy brand new expensive things when I am going to redecorate. I think that it makes us realize that we really can make due with something that has already been used. I think it makes things look more personable, and not so cheap.
Overall Course:
As for the class overall I don't exactly know how to sum it up and give it enough credit for how it has impacted me. I think that this class has been one of the most influential yet at my time here are UMD. It may not have taught me skills on how to specifically do something related to being a health educator, but it has taught me things that are much more important than that. Life long lifestyle changes is one of the main things that I have learned. I cannot believe how naive I was coming into this class. We were all aware of what environment, recycling, and sustainability were, but I don't think many of us knew how to really put those words into action.
Starting from the begging I have learned so many new things. Before this class i had heard of blogs and seen them, but this was my first time ever Blogging. I think that this is a great way to interact with people and look forward to doing it on my own in the future.
One of the biggest things I learned from day one was sustainability i really had no idea how unsustainable I was living. But thanks to the carbon footprint calculator. That we took we were really able to open our eyes and see. It just something small that really catches your attention. That personally made me think about everything as the class went on.
Throughout class we watched many documentaries and they all seemed to leave a lasting impact on all of us. I could not believe some of the things that go on in our world today. Is there really a price on water, or is it a basic human right. And I cannot believe the health effects that some of the factories are causing just to make our stuff.
Even though I am not an avid reader doing our read n seeds really opened my eyes to alot
Starting from the begging I have learned so many new things. Before this class i had heard of blogs and seen them, but this was my first time ever Blogging. I think that this is a great way to interact with people and look forward to doing it on my own in the future.
One of the biggest things I learned from day one was sustainability i really had no idea how unsustainable I was living. But thanks to the carbon footprint calculator. That we took we were really able to open our eyes and see. It just something small that really catches your attention. That personally made me think about everything as the class went on.
Throughout class we watched many documentaries and they all seemed to leave a lasting impact on all of us. I could not believe some of the things that go on in our world today. Is there really a price on water, or is it a basic human right. And I cannot believe the health effects that some of the factories are causing just to make our stuff.
Even though I am not an avid reader doing our read n seeds really opened my eyes to alot
- The Future of Food
- Creating a graphical header
- Junking
- SMART Goals
- What it means to be Eco-chic
- advocacy
- the food industry
- ourselves!
Overall I am really grateful that I had the opportunity to take this class this semester. I have learned so many things. One thing that I think that is important for all of us to do is to remember that though we know a lot about the subject, many others do not such as our family and friends. I think that we should all try to educate others on the information that we have learned, using our advocacy skills, and try encourage change in others. We can all make a difference even the small things add up weather they be good or bad, we do have an impact. With that I would like to thank you all for a great semester and best of luck in the future.