Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Share & Voice: Boys' and Girls' Club Goes Green

At the Boys and Girls Club where I work we are teaching the importance of going green at a young age.  Kids do not always get the big picture of what is going on so its nice to be able to break it down in a more understandable way for them.  We began this summer by trying to explain the importance of recycling and how it can benefit our environment and also help to preserve our planet.  We taught them many ways that they can help out by doing little things every day.  We told them to try to get their family involved and to do as much as they could every day.  We wanted to also show them how reusing everyday products could not only be beneficial to our environment but how it could also be very fun.  So we introduced them into the fun of  recycled art.  We gathered many everyday recycled objects such as cans, bottles, and old pottery pots and turned them into beautiful works of art.  It was great to see the kids work so hard and turn junk into great art projects that they were very proud of.  Not only do we use recycled goods we are always accepting your donations  at the club!

For more info visit us at: 


  1. I love this idea! I actually work at the Lincoln Park Boys and Girls Club and we have tried so hard to have the kids recycle but it has been very hard. I think using this idea could be great for our club especially because it could get them excited to recycle! Also, getting the parents involved is a good idea because kids learn a lot from their parents so if they see them doing it they are more likely to do it.

  2. Awesome idea! It's a really good idea to teach kids at a young age to go green because that's when they're the most impressionable. This idea also seems like it opens up some creativity in kids as well. Nice post.
