Sunday, October 3, 2010

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

After reading about what the ecological footprint was, I was very shocked to see how large that it actually is.    I cant believe that for how educated many of us are on the topic that we still have such large ecological foot prints.  When I took the ecological footprint quiz I was very shocked to see what the findings were.  It is sad to say and I'm kind of embarrassed to say what they were.  It said that if everyone were to live a life style like me it would take four planet earths to provide enough resources for all of us.  Its really sad to see that and that my lifestyle choices can effect it so much.  When it showed me how my footprint broke down it was also really eye opening to see that most of it was going toward services and not food and shelter.  Even though these findings were kind of embarrassing they were however very eye opening.  I really want to try to do some things different when it comes to my lifestyle and my ecological footprint.


  1. I have to agree with you! The results I received were also very embarrassing and eye opening. It takes 4.6 planet Earth's to meet my lifestyle needs. To think about how much knowledge we all have about being environmentally friendly and then to see our results is shocking. I think we all need some help to become more environmentally friendly.

  2. Hello Sam, I was also very shocked and embarrassed after I saw my quiz results. Even more shocking was that I thought I was living an environmentally friendly lifestyle. My score was 5.5. I too would like to do things differently and also found this whole assessment very eye opening.

  3. Yah, I got similar results to you Sam. Most of what I used was on energy services. It seems ironic that luxuries have seemed to become necessities in out country!
