Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: Weekly Update

Last week my SMART goal was:

 I will eat 2 servings of vegetables (serving= 1/2 cup) and 2 servings of fruit (servings= 1/2 cup) 4 days a week, for the next 4 weeks.

The last week has offered some success for me in trying to use my SMART goal.  I went grocery shopping last week and stocked up on fresh fruits and vegetables so it was easier to eat them, because I had lots of them around.  Another tactic that I used to remember to eat the fruits and vegetables was packing them up the night before.  This helps me to see what I will eat and what I still have to eat.  I have always tried to include a lot of healthy foods in my diet so I knew that it wouldn't be to hard, but eating all of these servings some times can be very challenging for me.  Some of the challenges that I face include:

  • eating healthy on the weekends
  • the money that it can cost to buy these foods
  • time that we all seem not to have
I know that on days that I do reach my SMART goal I feel better all around.  I feel better knowing that I accomplished something that I set my mind to.  I also feel a lot better physically because my body is getting good foods in it.  It helps me to feel more energetic.  I learned that trying to achieve your goal is not always as easy as writing it down on paper.  But with a little effort its really not to be.  I look forward to what the next week will bring.  I plan to cook more meals that include fruits and veggies in them to try to get my servings in more creative ways.  I plan to keep my goal where it is , at least for this next week.  Im very close to meeting it and I am determined that this week I will be able to do it.

"Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2 hosted by Amy@Amy in the rain."


  1. My goal is pretty similar to yours, it will be fun to see if the snags we run into are consistent with each of us. We can also push each other along a bit too!

  2. I like your goal for next week of cooking and trying to think of creative ways to work the servings into your diet. Sounds like you're off to a good start, Sam!

  3. I think it's a good idea to pack the fruits and veggies the night before; it makes it easier to grab when you just want something quick to eat. I'm interested to see what you'll come up with to cook with more fruits and veggies in it!
