Monday, November 22, 2010

Advocacy Project: Issue overview

Many people do not know the effects that allergies and asthma can have on an individual.  Studies show that a reduction in indoor allergen levels can help to reduce the rates of allergies and asthma in individuals.  Therefore there is need for more education on the subject to help to reduce the rates of allergies of asthma.  By designating the month of May as National Allergy and Asthma Awareness month we would be able to combat the issue by focusing on primary prevention techniques by educating the people.

The following bill H.RES. 407 "Designate the month of May as National Allergy and Asthma Awareness month" By doing this we would be able to combat the issue by focusing on primary prevention techniques by educating the people.  Providing more access to cleaner air solutions, and hoping that industry can see the problems that they cause as well.

Who is effected by the issue?
Like most instances all people are effected weather it is in a negative or positive way, but when it comes to this situation specifically families with a low social economic status are the ones mostly effected.  Of those children that are exposed to poor indoor and outdoor air quality are greatly affected, because they are being exposed to such things at a very young age.  Specifically children that live in poverty, and have not only bad outdoor air, but indoor air.  This is because many of them live in poverty, have poor ventilation systems, and no way to access air quality testing products.  

What are the consequences of the issue?
As stated earlier the more you are exposed to poor air both indoor and out, the more susceptible you will be to developing allergies or asthma.  The consequences for these can be very devastating.  Asthma many times can lead to death, it the attack is bad enough.  Research from a study done in 2009 from the Department of Pediatrics shows that incidents of death can also be correlated strongly with certain kinds of allergens.

What is the economic cost of the issue?
The economic cost to this issue can be very great to everyone. As it is with any health issue it is very big economic cost when it comes to the cost of our nations health care bill.  As more and more people become sick the higher our bill will be and the more we will be paying.  This also makes it hard for people to spend money on the economy.  Its an ongoing cycle.  However I'm sure that pharmaceutical companies like this and are doing well because so many people have to buy medication.

What is the social impact of the issue?
According to an article from Pub Med There can be a lot of social impacts of the issue of asthma.  It can affect schooling, employment, level of physical activity, social interaction with peers, and relationships.  

What are the barriers?
One of the biggest barriers to the issue is lack of affordable health care to the people that are most at risk for getting asthma.  Many of the people that have low socio-economic statuses are the ones that are at the greatest risk for developing asthma and allergies do not have the money to afford health care to address the issue.  Another barrier is lack of education and the understanding of the problem its self.   

What are the resources?
One of the main resources that we will need to address the issue is more education on the problem. That is why designating May as National Allergy and Awareness month will help a lot.  If we offer more education on the topic more and more people will become aware and want to take a stand to help this problem. 

What is the history of the issue?
Though it may seem like this subject would have a lot of history, it is actually quite a new topic.  The first diagnosis of asthma was not made until the 1960's.  However it is probably as old as the human race. It has been steadily growing since the diagnosis, since we have been polluting our earth more and industry has kept .  Hence the reason why we need more education on the subject.  

Allies and Opponents?
Some opponents would definitely be big industries.  They do not want to have to try to make the air cleaner.  Because for them that would mean that productivity would have to change in some way, which in some ways it might decrease.  Also many insurance companies may not want people to be more educated on the subject, because then they may not have as many people sick with incidents of asthma and allergies.

Your recommendations?
My recommendations would be to let the people be more informed on the issue. Be designating the Month of May as National Asthma and Allergy and Awareness Month people would have the benefit of more education on the issue.  I think that education is the best way to help prevent disease and we would be doing just that.

The following information was found using the following websites


  1. I think this is a very important issue. I always hear of people trying to overcome allergies and developing more along the way. This is a great issue to address and I hope you have good luck doing so.

  2. I know so many people with allergies or asthma and the air quality certainly doesn't help. I think it would be good for more people to be educated about the issue; it would probably help to get more allies.

  3. My mom and sister both suffer from pretty severs asthma, so as most of us I have a direct connection to the issue. I think it is great that you have addressed this issue and that there is a National movement to support this issue as well.
