Monday, November 1, 2010

Share and Voice: Project Green Campus PSA

Since the topic of Recycling is so popular in our class I thought that this video would be perfect.  In methods class, which some of you may or may not have had, we had to make video PSA's.  I thought that this one was so great, and portrayed a good message. that I feel like it needs to be seen by everyone.  It was made by some students that you may know including Ashley and Haley our class TA's.  It also gives you a little idea of what you may be doing in Methods, and it shows some quality work.  Enjoy


  1. Still love this video! And I still don't know how they did it.

  2. Wow, what a cool video!!! How on earth did they do that??? I was baffled by the movements of the bottles and I'm still scratching my head in awe. Anyway, you are very right that it portrays a great message and more people should definitely recycle so we can sustain our planet's resources. Great post.

  3. I absolutely love this video. I watched them make parts of this and they actually took pictures and put them together back to back to make the video. They did a great job and put forth a ton of effort to make this video the way it is. I think UMD should use some of their ideas!

  4. I love this video, it is really one of the coolest recycling service announcements I can remember seeing. When I talk to someone about making a video for anything I tell people about this one and tell them to think outside the box, the creativity is awesome
