Thursday, October 7, 2010

Share and Voice: Ride your Bike to Work Day


We all know that there has been a push in our society to get people out and get moving.  Whether it be walking, going to the gym, or even dancing the push to get physically active has been great.  Another issue that much of our society is worried about is the amount of pollution that goes on in our world, much of it being from people driving their cars.  These are tow very important topics to discuss and I was thinking how great that they could be if we could focus on both at the same time.  The good news is that the city of Moose Lake did just that with the help of Carlton County Health Department.  On October 6th 2010 the city held its first annual "Bike to Work Day" along with a "Get Fit Walk".  I thought that this was a very innovative idea and think that it would be awesome if cities around the U.S also did events like this.  Essentially you are hitting both the topics because you are getting people out and about while also being environmentally friendly.  Fortunately I was lucky enough to attend part of this event and it was really great to hear and participate in this type of events.  I hope that more events like this will be able to happen in Duluth and maybe specifically on the UMD campus.

For more info about Carlton County Health Department and Events visit their website at:


  1. I very much agree with you that more cities and states should come up with ideas to be more environmentally friendly. I wish I could get around more without driving my car around but it becomes to hard for me living in the west end and traveling to campus. I do however plan on buying a bike very soon and using it a ton next spring and summer. Awesome post.

  2. I attended this event with you and liked it just as much. He was a great speaker and gave some very interesting facts about the Moose Lake area. Who knew Moose Lake had some of the most biking trails in the U.S.? I would love to get a bike up here to use my car less when weather permits. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Working out and being active while polluting the air less!

  3. Dang! I wish I could have made it to the event! I work at a group haoem and it would have been something great to get the clients active. unfortunatly they had too much going on to on the 6th :( hopefully next time!
