Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Share and Voice: Vegan Smoothies

Since my eco-chic goal is to eat more fruits and vegetables, I have been looking for new and fun ways to incorporate them into my diet.  One of my favorite things to have as a treat, or for breakfast is a smoothie.  I came across some pretty cool recipes online and thought that I would try one and share it with you.

Vitamin Greens Energy Vegan Smoothie Recipe

Mixed Greens
2 Carrots
2 Apples (core removed)
1 Cup Rasberries

I added some ice in there too. Also the websites says to make sure you add the fruit first, then the greens, then the harder vegetables because it will blend better.

I encourage you to find some that you like and try them out. They are quick and easy way to get lots of servings at once, and they keep you full!

Check out this website for more ideas!


  1. This sounds really tasty, Sam! I'll have to give it at try. When my former boyfriend was sick, we tried juicing for cure different ailments and some of them really worked. They didn't taste too bad either.

  2. I don't really think this looks very good haha! But I would try it, I think it's just the color that puts me off!

  3. Im not going to lie his looks awful, but after looking at the ingredients it sounds really tasty! I would definitely try it sometime.
