Friday, December 3, 2010

Reflection of Weeks 9-12

I cannot believe that we are already in week 12.  Its scary how fast time goes by.  Its getting to the point now that we are all getting really busy and stressed out, but I also cannot wait until this semester is over.  Once again we have learned a lot on the last few weeks, but at first I did not even realize it.  I couldn't really remember what we had talked about, but when I looked back it all came back to me.

We probably learned one of the most important things this week.  I would assume that before this week most of us had heard of the word advocacy.  The problem is that I didn't know what it meant.  It can be defined according to wikipedia as aim to influence public policy and resource allocation  descions within political, economic, and social systems institutions; it may be motivated from the moral, ethical, or faith principals, or simply just to protect and asset of interest.

 Some other important things to remember include:

  • advocacy is not a direct service
  • does not need to involve conflict
I never really realized just how important this was expesially to our major. I also never realized that it was one of our seven responsibilities.  Im excited to see how the rest of it goes and hope to learn more because it definietely does not come naturally to me.

Another thing that I learned was more about my political represnetatives .  Being aware of who are leaders are is the first step in the advocacy process.  Also I was surprised at how much I didn't know, and doing the research really made me realize that I need to keep more up to date on that.  It was also really nice to see the different representatives from the different part of the states and the local governments.

Smart Goals:
We also learned about smart goals.  Most of us thought that we knew what they were exactly, but it turns out they were a lot harder than you think.  There are certain things that you need to remember when formulating one and they include:
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely
I think its really great that we turned them into our eco-chic life style change.  I think that its a really good tool to use to motivate us.  I have been making concious efforts to try and meet my smart goal each week.  Its also great to see everybody else and how they are doing.  It makes you want to try out some of their smart goals too such as
  • eating organic produce
  • riding the bus
  • taking shorter showers

One of my favorite activities that we did this quarters was showing our photo essays.  Im glad that we got to see everyones it was really great. I could not believe the neat stuff that some people just had laying around.  Its also really great to see the progress that people are making in being more environmentally friendly.

Overall I think that this class continues to have a great impact on all of us.  It has made us more aware of what we do and how we can change things that we don't like.  I look forward to the last couple of weeks.


  1. I really liked the photo essays too. I feel like it has really shown how much we have taken from this class and applied to our surroundings. It really has changed all of our views.

  2. I'm glad we learned about advocacy too since it's an important part of our major. I really liked hearing about everyone's photo essays in class. They were really interesting.

  3. I thought everyones photo essays were great, it was interesting to see so many unique projects.
